So the other Friday it was scorching hot, so after lunch a group of us decided to head to Coogee beach to chillax. Obviously we found the place PACKED.
The sun wasn't exactly blazing hot; the weather was more overcast, but yet it was still baking.
On the way to find a spot, my American friend made a little girl cry when she fell on her butt from following him down huge steps. xD Another friend said she always finds it fun and effective to make the child believe that what hurt them was actually fine so they don't cry. "Well that was fun, wasn't it??? :D" instead of "omg are you okay?" Sounds reasonable. I'll try that next time.
The boys went to fetch us popsicles and beers. ^^;; And presenting the second piece of clothing I bought at that market for less than $3. :D It's the gray tank that is knotted at the back, racer-ish, with it being longer on the two sides.
Wind-wiper-ed my leg in front of me to create some smooth sand and write this. :D Sis + sis forever! <3 I'm way too homesick, actually.... ><
Our group for the day, excluding some people who arrived later. Notice the volleyball? :D We brought it from the dorm, which has a closet full of different balls and things for recreation. It might possibly still be hidden in my room right now... possibly. 9__9 It was super hard to hit though, someone pumped it way too much. Set all the things! Except no one really knows how to play well. ^^;;
Started collecting random things in the sand. Found some pretty disturbing things though.
Super random shoulder wars goin' on! I believe it's called... chicken fight.. when it's done in the pool. This game really should be reserved for in-water only. Poor boys.
First match:
Looked fun, so we Americans gotta get in on it! Come on, Phil, let's do this! Round 2 = 3 couples.
And then there were two.
Cat fight above, dirty fighting below. Damn, look at my tan. LOOOOOL. And the weird weather.
WHAT IS THIS. Cheaters! Maybe they wanted the game to end sooner so they can join in again.
Official rematch. We weren't gonna take that as a loss! 1, 2, 3, LEGGO!
We finally won! I pulled some kungfu moves and won the thing, I think. Just kidding, it was probably Phil. IN ANY CASE....
Anyway, it was just another chill day of rolling around, talking, volleyball... I actually don't know how so much time passed, but suddenly it was 5, we were about ready to leave, and... Suddenly I had 3-4 guys lifting me up and running me towards the water, quickly patting me down for electronics. -__- The hugest wave of the history of waves came and I got smothered in it.
But it was fun! Extremely fun, actually. :D So thanks.
Trekked home all wet and got ready for the BBQ I had planned on going to. It was my friend's birthday party, so most of us at IH went to celebrate with her. Yayz.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Mooncake Festival!
I think I promised that mid-semester break pictures were coming soon, but... I guess I lied. :D My pictures folder is pretty disorganized right now, don't be mad. :)
So why is this dude so angry looking, and what the hell is he holding? Let me take you through that day and in the end we will have answers.
Last Sunday, I went to the mooncake festival in Cabramatta! It's in the West, and it actually took quite a while to get there. We had to first bus to the city, then take a train from Central Station to Cabramatta.
The ride took about 50 minutes, but it was cool looking out the window and seeing the suburbs of nearby towns. There were definitely some ghetto-ass places, but it only presented itself as charming to me as it reminded me a bit of home. :) Who doesn't like graffiti everywhere? Gives you something to read.
Finally we arrived! Right outside the station was where the festival was, so I got to take a couple nicely-distanced shots of it. I couldn't believe they had rides! xD I didn't know what to expect at all.
Except, of course, the huge number of Asians. :)
I woke up late and hadn't had lunch, so we bought some street food. I had noodles and chicken satay! The more questionable the food origins, the more delicious, I say.
I'd also forgotten how much I enjoyed personal space. But it's okay because soon after, we came across a shop that was selling random things and we saw this AWESOME balloon sword. Talk about epic. In other words, we bought it and I used it to cut my way through the crowd for the rest of the day. :) And to poke people. "By mistake." Look, the handle even has a handle. Goddamn.
Gorgeous giant lantern. :D Next to a shoe shop, I remember... :3
Festivals wouldn't be complete without rip-off booths, now would they? I did see really cute prizes in the arms of undeserving people in the crowd all day, but oh well. Can't bring it home anyway.
And then we wander some more... and suddenly we hear strong bass sounds... :O... JUSTICE CREW IS UP! We ran to the main stage and got there just in time. :D They performed several songs, and I was lucky enough to catch some on video. I almost felt bad for having such a good view.
The video upload isn't working... : ( Might end up posting it on facebook. But here's a link to their video, Boom Boom. They performed this song also. :D
Then we saw a lion dancing/martial arts team stroll down the main walkway banging drums and dancing as lions. They were good. :D
Back at the main stage, they ULTRA cute little Asian girls dancing! <3 I love seeing their totally dazed out faces on stage. Kids can be so fearless.
And then our crazy selves thought it would be a good idea to get on this "Hurricane", a ride that basically spun you around like crazy. Walked off dizzy and a bit nauseous... for the rest of the night. -___- I'm getting too old for this.
Back to the mini stage. They had the native people of New Zealand perform their dances, and it was quite fascinating! They even spiced it up by getting people from the audience to come up. The very first person they picked was this (quite) elderly Asian man named Jimmy who was like "Naw man, naw..." but they dragged him up anyway. Then your typical "PICK THIS GUY!" guy, then a guy conveniently in a suit, and then a little kid. They did their thing, and then.... flames!
Then after, they had this Latin dance group come up and play percussion and dancers swing their hips. It was really inspirational! I keep saying I want to try Latin dancing but I still haven't done it. :/ I'll start... next year.
Then it was finally 8 o'clock, which means... FIREWORKS! It was really a gorgeous show. Fireworks just make me feel so happy and at peace with life. :) But nothing beats the fireworks I saw at Disneyland that one year. LOL sorry, random comment.
ARRGGHHH the video for the fireworks isn't uploading. ;___; Facebook.
After the fireworks, everyone rushed around to make their way home. We got on the train again and 50 minutes later arrived in the city again. Central station had a really gorgeous wall of art. This picture doesn't give it justice.
After not being able to decide where to eat (aka finding all the good places closed) we settled down at Mammas, a gourmet pizza restaurant. I checked in on foursqaure (as usual) and unlocked a special giving us free garlic bread with a purchase of pasta. We'd ordered pizza, but I showed the waitress the deal anyway and without even a glance, she was like "Oh, the free garlic bread, right? Alright, coming up!" :D I'd like to say I charmed my way into that one.
Lamb shank pizza with green onions, bell peppers, mozzarella,and thin slices of potato. 8Q__ It was soooo good! I found the potato slices strangely alluring because they made the pizza taste like chips. And by chips, I mean crisps.
So why was this guy so angry? He's just an unamused kind of guy. What was he holding? He was wielding the ancient weapon of bought-it-on-the-street.
Mooncake to take home! :) Happy autumn! <3
So why is this dude so angry looking, and what the hell is he holding? Let me take you through that day and in the end we will have answers.
Last Sunday, I went to the mooncake festival in Cabramatta! It's in the West, and it actually took quite a while to get there. We had to first bus to the city, then take a train from Central Station to Cabramatta.
The ride took about 50 minutes, but it was cool looking out the window and seeing the suburbs of nearby towns. There were definitely some ghetto-ass places, but it only presented itself as charming to me as it reminded me a bit of home. :) Who doesn't like graffiti everywhere? Gives you something to read.
Finally we arrived! Right outside the station was where the festival was, so I got to take a couple nicely-distanced shots of it. I couldn't believe they had rides! xD I didn't know what to expect at all.
Except, of course, the huge number of Asians. :)
I woke up late and hadn't had lunch, so we bought some street food. I had noodles and chicken satay! The more questionable the food origins, the more delicious, I say.
Lanterns... lanterns everywhere....
I'd also forgotten how much I enjoyed personal space. But it's okay because soon after, we came across a shop that was selling random things and we saw this AWESOME balloon sword. Talk about epic. In other words, we bought it and I used it to cut my way through the crowd for the rest of the day. :) And to poke people. "By mistake." Look, the handle even has a handle. Goddamn.
Gorgeous giant lantern. :D Next to a shoe shop, I remember... :3
Festivals wouldn't be complete without rip-off booths, now would they? I did see really cute prizes in the arms of undeserving people in the crowd all day, but oh well. Can't bring it home anyway.
And then we wander some more... and suddenly we hear strong bass sounds... :O... JUSTICE CREW IS UP! We ran to the main stage and got there just in time. :D They performed several songs, and I was lucky enough to catch some on video. I almost felt bad for having such a good view.
The video upload isn't working... : ( Might end up posting it on facebook. But here's a link to their video, Boom Boom. They performed this song also. :D
Then we went off to get coffee and mooncakes because it was suuuuch a hot day. Still not really loving the coffee here in Australia because of the strange milky taste. I'll try hot coffee with plain cold milk soon! While we were sitting here, there was this adorable kid next to us (not the girl in this pic) who kept dropping parts of his toy on the ground. It was a mini pool table with plastic balls, and his fumbling around was just SO CUTE. His dad was not amused though and scolded him a lot. He pulled the most adorable :"( face ever. He looked right in my eyes, into the depths of my soul, and was pleading for help from his monster-of-a-dad... but I couldn't do anything. .__. Oh, Asian parents. <3
Then we saw a lion dancing/martial arts team stroll down the main walkway banging drums and dancing as lions. They were good. :D
Back at the main stage, they ULTRA cute little Asian girls dancing! <3 I love seeing their totally dazed out faces on stage. Kids can be so fearless.
And then our crazy selves thought it would be a good idea to get on this "Hurricane", a ride that basically spun you around like crazy. Walked off dizzy and a bit nauseous... for the rest of the night. -___- I'm getting too old for this.
Back to the mini stage. They had the native people of New Zealand perform their dances, and it was quite fascinating! They even spiced it up by getting people from the audience to come up. The very first person they picked was this (quite) elderly Asian man named Jimmy who was like "Naw man, naw..." but they dragged him up anyway. Then your typical "PICK THIS GUY!" guy, then a guy conveniently in a suit, and then a little kid. They did their thing, and then.... flames!
Then after, they had this Latin dance group come up and play percussion and dancers swing their hips. It was really inspirational! I keep saying I want to try Latin dancing but I still haven't done it. :/ I'll start... next year.
Then it was finally 8 o'clock, which means... FIREWORKS! It was really a gorgeous show. Fireworks just make me feel so happy and at peace with life. :) But nothing beats the fireworks I saw at Disneyland that one year. LOL sorry, random comment.
ARRGGHHH the video for the fireworks isn't uploading. ;___; Facebook.
After the fireworks, everyone rushed around to make their way home. We got on the train again and 50 minutes later arrived in the city again. Central station had a really gorgeous wall of art. This picture doesn't give it justice.
After not being able to decide where to eat (aka finding all the good places closed) we settled down at Mammas, a gourmet pizza restaurant. I checked in on foursqaure (as usual) and unlocked a special giving us free garlic bread with a purchase of pasta. We'd ordered pizza, but I showed the waitress the deal anyway and without even a glance, she was like "Oh, the free garlic bread, right? Alright, coming up!" :D I'd like to say I charmed my way into that one.
Lamb shank pizza with green onions, bell peppers, mozzarella,and thin slices of potato. 8Q__ It was soooo good! I found the potato slices strangely alluring because they made the pizza taste like chips. And by chips, I mean crisps.
So why was this guy so angry? He's just an unamused kind of guy. What was he holding? He was wielding the ancient weapon of bought-it-on-the-street.
Mooncake to take home! :) Happy autumn! <3
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Laser Tag + Bowling
A week ago, I went laser tagging and bowling with the IH crowd! It was subsidized again, so that's two games of laser tag (about 45 minutes total) and two games of bowling for $10! Crazy deal. I believe one game of laser tag is already $12. O___O
Anyway, it was my first time at laser tag, and... I think it showed. LOL. The first time we had way too many people in the arena anyway, so anywhere you went, you would just die. Okay fine, I would just die. >> But luckily the second time we were able to split up into two groups, and that made the game much better. I think I scored around the same the second time, but got hit much less. :D During the second time, I basically staked out at a nice corner and sniped at people. My aim is pretty good! My team (red) won both times. :D
Here's a pic of me and my friendddd, SooYeon from S. Korea. :D She was so cute with a huge suit and gun running around! <3
And here's the group! This is almost everyone.
That same venue had bowling as well, so we just went upstairs and bowled away! I did buy a shot right before this just to loosen up. :3 SooYeon and I agreed that no one here in Australia really takes shots, but instead only go for beer or goon. :/ That's not how we ro'.
Anyway, another group picture! We took up 3 lanes.
First game... started off really slow. (I'm the first one, marked W.) But I ended up getting three strikes by focusing, then lost it near the end. Was third, then knocked to 4th in the final bowl. T___T
Started off well, but so did everyone. Didn't end up breaking 100. :( This is basically the final score because people abandoned the game when there was a glitch in the lane. So... I win? :D
Yay for IH subsidies letting me enjoy more of life! :D These aren't really Australian activities, but at least now I'm freer and have the mentality to go try new things.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
But not just any kind of clubbing... ASIAN CLUBBING. I should have known that this existed, but it's hard when all I've ever known is clubbing with a room full of Asians. But since I came to Sydney, my clubbing experiences have been rather... how to say... sad and disappointing. The opportunity came, so I had to take it!
I was doing my usual, watching the Democratic National Convention in a private room in the law library when these two Asian-Australian guys come in and ask if they can sit there. I say yes, and we get talking. Before they left, they invited me to go Asian clubbing with them, so I said sure I'll think about it.
They actually followed through the next week and said they were going on Friday. Since I didn't quite know them too well yet, I wanted to bring someone along, but no one would go with me! T___T (I miss having sorority sisters... ^^;;) Finally on Thursday or Friday I find a new-ish friend to go with me. He's South Korean from New Zealand, and apparently goes clubbing a lot anyway.
Anyway, after calling me weird and too talkative, then drinking our souls away with Midori, we leave for the city and include his other Korean friend. We'd planned to go to Marquee, another regular high-class club, before Pontoon (Asian one) because it was supposed to be free before 10:30pm, but alas, IT WASN'T. And the friend's ID (his picture on his credit card... -__-) wasn't good enough. The club was in the Star Hotel, where the same level was a huge casino. I wasn't supposed to be allowed to take a picture, but the kind security guard let me x)
So we just left and went to the next club, Pontoon. No pictures, but it was a great night!! The venue was really pretty, and although it was kind of small, it seemed somehow the right size also. The DJ was playing all R&B, hip hop, and ol' skool. :D PERFECT. In fact, I think that's what the DJ is called. At one point my Korean friend asked me to go up to the DJ and ask him to play Gangnam Style. I did, and the guy said all condescendingly, "We don't play that here." Sheesh. Get with the times. It's almost bigger than Call Me Maybe, if you ask me. ;) Everyone went wild when that song came on. ^^;;
Met the two guys I was suppose to meet, danced the night away, talked with a bunch of random strangers, got bought 8 drinks, and went home in a cab. LOL. Will go again if I get the chance. :D
In other completely random news, a friend introduced me to this place near my dorm on campus called the White House. It's a cool bar with food and snacks, and its main specialty is having loads of board games available for its customers. :D New favorite hangout place!
The upstairs:
Connect 4 with my amazing iced coffee.
Garlic & herbs... & chicken? pizza.
Nice cardigan, you say? :3 Well thanks! I got it for........ *DRUMROLL*.... basically $3! They had little stands up next to my dorm where people were selling their things, and I picked up this black cardigan, a pink polka-dot shirt, and a gray cardigan for $8 total. :) Yay.
That's it for now! :)
I was doing my usual, watching the Democratic National Convention in a private room in the law library when these two Asian-Australian guys come in and ask if they can sit there. I say yes, and we get talking. Before they left, they invited me to go Asian clubbing with them, so I said sure I'll think about it.
They actually followed through the next week and said they were going on Friday. Since I didn't quite know them too well yet, I wanted to bring someone along, but no one would go with me! T___T (I miss having sorority sisters... ^^;;) Finally on Thursday or Friday I find a new-ish friend to go with me. He's South Korean from New Zealand, and apparently goes clubbing a lot anyway.

Anyway, after calling me weird and too talkative, then drinking our souls away with Midori, we leave for the city and include his other Korean friend. We'd planned to go to Marquee, another regular high-class club, before Pontoon (Asian one) because it was supposed to be free before 10:30pm, but alas, IT WASN'T. And the friend's ID (his picture on his credit card... -__-) wasn't good enough. The club was in the Star Hotel, where the same level was a huge casino. I wasn't supposed to be allowed to take a picture, but the kind security guard let me x)
So we just left and went to the next club, Pontoon. No pictures, but it was a great night!! The venue was really pretty, and although it was kind of small, it seemed somehow the right size also. The DJ was playing all R&B, hip hop, and ol' skool. :D PERFECT. In fact, I think that's what the DJ is called. At one point my Korean friend asked me to go up to the DJ and ask him to play Gangnam Style. I did, and the guy said all condescendingly, "We don't play that here." Sheesh. Get with the times. It's almost bigger than Call Me Maybe, if you ask me. ;) Everyone went wild when that song came on. ^^;;
Met the two guys I was suppose to meet, danced the night away, talked with a bunch of random strangers, got bought 8 drinks, and went home in a cab. LOL. Will go again if I get the chance. :D
In other completely random news, a friend introduced me to this place near my dorm on campus called the White House. It's a cool bar with food and snacks, and its main specialty is having loads of board games available for its customers. :D New favorite hangout place!
The upstairs:
Connect 4 with my amazing iced coffee.
Garlic & herbs... & chicken? pizza.
Nice cardigan, you say? :3 Well thanks! I got it for........ *DRUMROLL*.... basically $3! They had little stands up next to my dorm where people were selling their things, and I picked up this black cardigan, a pink polka-dot shirt, and a gray cardigan for $8 total. :) Yay.
That's it for now! :)
Monday, September 17, 2012
Protest Clashes in Sydney
If you guys didn't know, the Muslim protests have occurred in Sydney as well. Luckily I wasn't there, but it was still pretty close. This is the email alert I got. Posting this more as a reference for my experience more than anything else. I'm shifting away from my American-ness and into my Asian-ness for the time being... x)
- Incident: Protest violence
- Date: Sept. 15
- Location: US Consulate General; Hyde Park
- Impact: Increased security, traffic disruptions, additional violence possible
Muslim demonstrators condemning a controversial anti-Islam film clashed with police near the US Consulate General in central Sydney during the afternoon of Sept. 15. At least one person was injured during the melee, in which protesters threw various projectiles at law enforcement officers, with police responding using pepper spray. Hundreds of protesters participated in the gathering, although it is unclear as yet how many of them were involved in violent acts.
The demonstrators have reportedly begun moving in the direction of Hyde Park, less than 0.5 km (0.3 miles) southeast of the consulate. Additionally, police have started assembling in the park. Local authorities expect the demonstration to continue at least into the small hours of Sept. 16. Expect heavy security in the area; additional violence could occur without warning. Additional demonstrations near other US diplomatic offices in Australia over the anti-Islam film deemed insulting to the Prophet Muhammed cannot be ruled out.
Background and Analysis
This is the latest instance of violence to occur after news of the film "Innocence of Muslims" spread across the world. There have been intermittent clashes between security forces and protesters in Cairo, Egypt since Sept. 11. In Benghazi, Libya, assailants attacked the US Consulate, killing four US nationals, including US Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens. Protesters have also attacked US diplomatic missions in in Sana'a, Yemen; Tripoli, Lebanon; Tunis, Tunisia; Khartoum, Sudan; Chennai, India; Dhaka, Bangladesh; and Jerusalem, Israel.
The low-budget film depicts the Prophet Muhammed in a derogatory manner and has enraged Muslims across the world, with many calling on the US government to prosecute the filmmaker.
Avoid the area of the US consulate and Hyde Park until the situation stabilizes. Use caution near all US diplomatic facilities in Australia. Contact your respective facility prior to visiting to ensure continuing operations; diplomatic offices may close without warning due to security threats. Prepare for heightened security outside all US diplomatic facilities.
- Incident: Protest violence
- Date: Sept. 15
- Location: US Consulate General; Hyde Park
- Impact: Increased security, traffic disruptions, additional violence possible
Muslim demonstrators condemning a controversial anti-Islam film clashed with police near the US Consulate General in central Sydney during the afternoon of Sept. 15. At least one person was injured during the melee, in which protesters threw various projectiles at law enforcement officers, with police responding using pepper spray. Hundreds of protesters participated in the gathering, although it is unclear as yet how many of them were involved in violent acts.
The demonstrators have reportedly begun moving in the direction of Hyde Park, less than 0.5 km (0.3 miles) southeast of the consulate. Additionally, police have started assembling in the park. Local authorities expect the demonstration to continue at least into the small hours of Sept. 16. Expect heavy security in the area; additional violence could occur without warning. Additional demonstrations near other US diplomatic offices in Australia over the anti-Islam film deemed insulting to the Prophet Muhammed cannot be ruled out.
Background and Analysis
This is the latest instance of violence to occur after news of the film "Innocence of Muslims" spread across the world. There have been intermittent clashes between security forces and protesters in Cairo, Egypt since Sept. 11. In Benghazi, Libya, assailants attacked the US Consulate, killing four US nationals, including US Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens. Protesters have also attacked US diplomatic missions in in Sana'a, Yemen; Tripoli, Lebanon; Tunis, Tunisia; Khartoum, Sudan; Chennai, India; Dhaka, Bangladesh; and Jerusalem, Israel.
The low-budget film depicts the Prophet Muhammed in a derogatory manner and has enraged Muslims across the world, with many calling on the US government to prosecute the filmmaker.
Avoid the area of the US consulate and Hyde Park until the situation stabilizes. Use caution near all US diplomatic facilities in Australia. Contact your respective facility prior to visiting to ensure continuing operations; diplomatic offices may close without warning due to security threats. Prepare for heightened security outside all US diplomatic facilities.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
A Surprisingly event-filled Sunday
Yesterday, Sunday, started off lazily. I'd just woken up near lunch time because I'd stayed up late getting over the scariness of watching I Am Legend (Will Smith <3). But after lunch and some card games with a friend, we decided to go ahead and use a 2 for 1 voucher for the Sydney Aquarium.
So much for being a day of rest.
So we headed downtown and wandered around for a bit. I hit up the Asian indoor market again to look for souvenirs. Totally forgot to take a picture of key chains of kangaroo scrotum.... I was looking for a kangaroo backpack again so I can wear it to go clubbing, but there weren't any cute ones. I might have to resort to a koala one. In any case, I saw nice shot glasses and boomerangs, which will probably be my choice in the end. :) If you're lucky, you might get one. :D
We wandered around some more and came across a Brazilian festival that was going on. Seemed average. But then again there was the BBQ smell... <3
IT WAS SUCH A BEAUTIFUL DAY, and everyone knew it! I don't think I've been to the city when it was as crowded as this before.
They were doing extreme Finding Nemo 3D promotion inside. The map was Nemo-related and so were a bunch of signs. I have to say, it's kind of effective. I'd like to see the movie again in 3D. x)
TUURRTTLLEEE. That is all.
Have you ever seen such a pretty thing??
Is it really bad that we got extremely hungry for seafood while we were there? "OH LOOK, THAT'S A MASSIVE CATFISH.... 8Q___" And here's the ultimate... Such a beautiful lobster... 9~9
Reminds me of when I went diving in the Great Barrier Reef! Swimming among the clutters of fish!
Penguin display! They were all little ones.
Jellyfish! They had a light going that shifted colors and made the jellyfish glow red, blue, green, etc.... Such a beautiful sight... Perfect for a screensaver.... XD I could watch these things swim all day.
Proud of my photography. x)
Ajisen ramen again! Can't get enough of noodles! Here is his chicken teriyaki ramen.
My beef teriyaki ramen. :3 SOOO GOOOOD. <3
Since we were in the city anyway, we decided to watch a movie. We ended up watching "The Watch", which was pretty good, but just more gruesome than I thought it would be. It was just silly and pretty entertaining. :) Would recommend for downloading illegally. LOL.
There just happened to be an ice cream parlor right outside the theater, so of course I couldn't help myself. Coffee and hazelnut! BEST GELATO EVER. Completed my night. :D
The scoop sizes weren't amazing, but I wouldn't have been able to finish it if it were bigger anyway.
Mid-semester break photos to come soon! :D
So much for being a day of rest.
So we headed downtown and wandered around for a bit. I hit up the Asian indoor market again to look for souvenirs. Totally forgot to take a picture of key chains of kangaroo scrotum.... I was looking for a kangaroo backpack again so I can wear it to go clubbing, but there weren't any cute ones. I might have to resort to a koala one. In any case, I saw nice shot glasses and boomerangs, which will probably be my choice in the end. :) If you're lucky, you might get one. :D
We wandered around some more and came across a Brazilian festival that was going on. Seemed average. But then again there was the BBQ smell... <3
IT WAS SUCH A BEAUTIFUL DAY, and everyone knew it! I don't think I've been to the city when it was as crowded as this before.
Aquarium time! It is near Darling Harbor (I think) where every other person was holding an iced coffee... >> But it's okay, we ended up getting a coke icee instead. :D
They were doing extreme Finding Nemo 3D promotion inside. The map was Nemo-related and so were a bunch of signs. I have to say, it's kind of effective. I'd like to see the movie again in 3D. x)
TUURRTTLLEEE. That is all.
Have you ever seen such a pretty thing??
Is it really bad that we got extremely hungry for seafood while we were there? "OH LOOK, THAT'S A MASSIVE CATFISH.... 8Q___" And here's the ultimate... Such a beautiful lobster... 9~9
Reminds me of when I went diving in the Great Barrier Reef! Swimming among the clutters of fish!
Penguin display! They were all little ones.
Jellyfish! They had a light going that shifted colors and made the jellyfish glow red, blue, green, etc.... Such a beautiful sight... Perfect for a screensaver.... XD I could watch these things swim all day.
Proud of my photography. x)
Ajisen ramen again! Can't get enough of noodles! Here is his chicken teriyaki ramen.
My beef teriyaki ramen. :3 SOOO GOOOOD. <3
Since we were in the city anyway, we decided to watch a movie. We ended up watching "The Watch", which was pretty good, but just more gruesome than I thought it would be. It was just silly and pretty entertaining. :) Would recommend for downloading illegally. LOL.
There just happened to be an ice cream parlor right outside the theater, so of course I couldn't help myself. Coffee and hazelnut! BEST GELATO EVER. Completed my night. :D
The scoop sizes weren't amazing, but I wouldn't have been able to finish it if it were bigger anyway.
We came back right before IH's Open Mic Night ended and got to hear Joey's awesome rap/song about how awesome Texas is. :D I was told later by multiple people that everyone was wondering where I was because they thought I would be performing dance. O___O!! I would not offer that. I'm still on a quest to find a choreo I can do that I like completely. Since I have a room to myself I would totally try and copy a couple dances that I've favorited off YouTube, but of course I would be blocked by limited internet. T__T
But speaking of dance, the good news is that the weekend after the next I will be going to an I Am Mos Wanted concert in Sydney!!! I'M SO EXCITEDDDD, two of the best hip hop dance crews coming together and I'll be there?! Someone give me a paper bag.
Mid-semester break photos to come soon! :D
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