I was doing my usual, watching the Democratic National Convention in a private room in the law library when these two Asian-Australian guys come in and ask if they can sit there. I say yes, and we get talking. Before they left, they invited me to go Asian clubbing with them, so I said sure I'll think about it.
They actually followed through the next week and said they were going on Friday. Since I didn't quite know them too well yet, I wanted to bring someone along, but no one would go with me! T___T (I miss having sorority sisters... ^^;;) Finally on Thursday or Friday I find a new-ish friend to go with me. He's South Korean from New Zealand, and apparently goes clubbing a lot anyway.

Anyway, after calling me weird and too talkative, then drinking our souls away with Midori, we leave for the city and include his other Korean friend. We'd planned to go to Marquee, another regular high-class club, before Pontoon (Asian one) because it was supposed to be free before 10:30pm, but alas, IT WASN'T. And the friend's ID (his picture on his credit card... -__-) wasn't good enough. The club was in the Star Hotel, where the same level was a huge casino. I wasn't supposed to be allowed to take a picture, but the kind security guard let me x)
So we just left and went to the next club, Pontoon. No pictures, but it was a great night!! The venue was really pretty, and although it was kind of small, it seemed somehow the right size also. The DJ was playing all R&B, hip hop, and ol' skool. :D PERFECT. In fact, I think that's what the DJ is called. At one point my Korean friend asked me to go up to the DJ and ask him to play Gangnam Style. I did, and the guy said all condescendingly, "We don't play that here." Sheesh. Get with the times. It's almost bigger than Call Me Maybe, if you ask me. ;) Everyone went wild when that song came on. ^^;;
Met the two guys I was suppose to meet, danced the night away, talked with a bunch of random strangers, got bought 8 drinks, and went home in a cab. LOL. Will go again if I get the chance. :D
In other completely random news, a friend introduced me to this place near my dorm on campus called the White House. It's a cool bar with food and snacks, and its main specialty is having loads of board games available for its customers. :D New favorite hangout place!
The upstairs:
Connect 4 with my amazing iced coffee.
Garlic & herbs... & chicken? pizza.
Nice cardigan, you say? :3 Well thanks! I got it for........ *DRUMROLL*.... basically $3! They had little stands up next to my dorm where people were selling their things, and I picked up this black cardigan, a pink polka-dot shirt, and a gray cardigan for $8 total. :) Yay.
That's it for now! :)
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